Android ဖုန္းေတြအတြက္ ဘက္စံု သံုးႏိုင္တဲ႔ Tool ေလးပါ... ဆားဗစ္သမားေတြအတြက္ အသံုးဝင္ေစမွာပါ...။
Due to the fact that there is another tool for Android called Android Multi Tools, I decided to rename this one to Lx Multi Tool, future releases will go under this name.
- Unlock/Lock Bootloader
- Flash Recovery Menu (you can choose and add recoveries) - TWRP Included
- Flash any partition (Flashing submenu)
- Flash full Stock images (you can choose and add images)
- Erase partitions (you can choose which of the partitions)
- Reboot (you can choose again...)
- Sideload .zip files (you can choose and add .zip files) - SuperSU v2.56 (Systemless!) included
- Backup (you can choose the name and place for your backup)
- Restore (you can choose your backup)
- Version (it just shows the version of your adb binaries) - platform-tools 23.0.1 included
- Logs (DMESG and Logcat)
- Screenshots (you can directly take screenshots to your PC with no Root)
- Reboot (lots of choices)
- Refresh and delete files/folders from menus (Right click or key F5 and Del)
- Open tool folders from the menus (to add your own kernel/stock image/recovery/sideload zip files)
- Tab key support for easier keyboard navigation
- Tool-tips for all buttons
- Check for updates
- Link to xda-thread (here)